March 2014
Spring is the season associated with the Wood element and the Gall Bladder.
It's physical function is storing and excreting bile. The Chinese energetic
function is planning, judging, and making decisions.
The Gall Bladder's energy is highest at 11 PM to 1 AM. It is associated with green, wind, East, & sour (wheat, chicken/fowl, peaches, green foods with a
rising energy : kale, collards, spinach).
An imbalance in the Gall Bladder energy may result in problems with eyes, nails, hands, feet, anger and decision making.
Healing foods: oils, vinegar, condiments, rice, quinoa, whole wheat, berries, grapes, citrus, apples, pears, peaches, plums, pineapple, collards, garlic, olives, pickles, tomatoes, meat, poultry, fermented/ aged dairy foods.
Please see March 2013 newsletter in Archives for additional information on the Liver, the paired Wood organ for Spring.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
Spring is the season associated with the Wood element and the Gall Bladder.
It's physical function is storing and excreting bile. The Chinese energetic
function is planning, judging, and making decisions.
The Gall Bladder's energy is highest at 11 PM to 1 AM. It is associated with green, wind, East, & sour (wheat, chicken/fowl, peaches, green foods with a
rising energy : kale, collards, spinach).
An imbalance in the Gall Bladder energy may result in problems with eyes, nails, hands, feet, anger and decision making.
Healing foods: oils, vinegar, condiments, rice, quinoa, whole wheat, berries, grapes, citrus, apples, pears, peaches, plums, pineapple, collards, garlic, olives, pickles, tomatoes, meat, poultry, fermented/ aged dairy foods.
Please see March 2013 newsletter in Archives for additional information on the Liver, the paired Wood organ for Spring.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)

February 2014
The Year of the Horse - January 31, 2014
The horse originated in northern Asia. It was revered by the ancient Chinese as it helped them win wars
and expand their sovereignty. They would not use horses for farming, they used oxen.
A Horse year is full of victory, adventure, exciting activities, and surprising romances. Decisive action
brings success, and influences the rest of the 12 year cycle. World economies can strengthen or fall
into chaos and collapse.
People born in a Horse year are bright, cheerful, popular, and fun-loving. They like film, theater, fine
clothing, and an extravagant lifestyle.They are open, opinionated, and like to get things done.
Intuition and good judgement bring success. Horse people are competitive and can be jealous.
Horse children do not like to be reined in. They are rebellious and need room to run around. Discipline
will help guide them through their rapid development.
(From "Taoist Astrology", by Susan Levitt and Jean Tang.)
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
The Year of the Horse - January 31, 2014
The horse originated in northern Asia. It was revered by the ancient Chinese as it helped them win wars
and expand their sovereignty. They would not use horses for farming, they used oxen.
A Horse year is full of victory, adventure, exciting activities, and surprising romances. Decisive action
brings success, and influences the rest of the 12 year cycle. World economies can strengthen or fall
into chaos and collapse.
People born in a Horse year are bright, cheerful, popular, and fun-loving. They like film, theater, fine
clothing, and an extravagant lifestyle.They are open, opinionated, and like to get things done.
Intuition and good judgement bring success. Horse people are competitive and can be jealous.
Horse children do not like to be reined in. They are rebellious and need room to run around. Discipline
will help guide them through their rapid development.
(From "Taoist Astrology", by Susan Levitt and Jean Tang.)
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)

January 2014
A poem for Chinese New Year 2014 . Year of the Horse.
Part of a Ballad by Cao Cao ( 155 - 220)
An old charger staying in its stable
Still wants to run for a thousand li
A hero though advanced in years
Still remains strong in his ambition.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
A poem for Chinese New Year 2014 . Year of the Horse.
Part of a Ballad by Cao Cao ( 155 - 220)
An old charger staying in its stable
Still wants to run for a thousand li
A hero though advanced in years
Still remains strong in his ambition.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)

December 2013
Winter is associated with the Water Element and the Bladder. It's function is to store and excrete waste fluids. It is related to the ability to adapt to situations.
Acupuncture points on the Bladder meridian can assist with problems related to sexual function and reproduction.
Water is associated with the North, 3 to 7 PM, blue/black colors, salty flavor, the sense of hearing, bones, hair, and fear.
Symptoms of Water imbalance are: thirst, dryness, brittle joints, unusualperspiration or urination, stuck emotions and thought processes, feeling overwhelmed or fearful, prone to deep depression, and the inability to copewith life's event.
Foods that can assist with healing are: dates, beans, peas, pork, leeks,and fish with scales. Warming spices and cooked foods - especiallyroot vegetables - are good to eat during the cold winter months.
Please see the Jan. 2013 newsletter for information on the Kidneys, whichare also assigned to the Water element.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
Winter is associated with the Water Element and the Bladder. It's function is to store and excrete waste fluids. It is related to the ability to adapt to situations.
Acupuncture points on the Bladder meridian can assist with problems related to sexual function and reproduction.
Water is associated with the North, 3 to 7 PM, blue/black colors, salty flavor, the sense of hearing, bones, hair, and fear.
Symptoms of Water imbalance are: thirst, dryness, brittle joints, unusualperspiration or urination, stuck emotions and thought processes, feeling overwhelmed or fearful, prone to deep depression, and the inability to copewith life's event.
Foods that can assist with healing are: dates, beans, peas, pork, leeks,and fish with scales. Warming spices and cooked foods - especiallyroot vegetables - are good to eat during the cold winter months.
Please see the Jan. 2013 newsletter for information on the Kidneys, whichare also assigned to the Water element.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
November 2013

Thoughts in the Silent Night
by Li Bai (701 - 762)
Beside my bed a pool of light-
is it hoarfrost on the ground?
I lift my eyes and see the moon,
I bend my head and think of home.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
October 2013
Autumn is associated with the Metal element and the large intestine. The function of the large intestine is the
storage and elimination of wastes. This includes emotional "letting go" of things that harm us. Associated characteristics are organization; strength and stability of structure. Problems that are associated with Metal or the large intestine: lack of emotional strength, spinal problems, debilitating disease, bloating, constipation, acne, boils, knotty muscles, lack of smell, and withered nails. Large intestine energy is greatest at 5 to 7 AM, the best time to eliminate toxins that have been processed during the night. Autumn is a time to reflect, to conserve and store energy for winter. It is important to protect against cold, wind and dryness. Do not wear summer clothes on warm autumn days. Healing foods are spicy or pungent: the onion family, cabbage, broccoli, many root vegetables, rhubarb, and pumpkin.
See archive newsletters for November 2012 for information on the Lung, the associated organ for Metal.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
storage and elimination of wastes. This includes emotional "letting go" of things that harm us. Associated characteristics are organization; strength and stability of structure. Problems that are associated with Metal or the large intestine: lack of emotional strength, spinal problems, debilitating disease, bloating, constipation, acne, boils, knotty muscles, lack of smell, and withered nails. Large intestine energy is greatest at 5 to 7 AM, the best time to eliminate toxins that have been processed during the night. Autumn is a time to reflect, to conserve and store energy for winter. It is important to protect against cold, wind and dryness. Do not wear summer clothes on warm autumn days. Healing foods are spicy or pungent: the onion family, cabbage, broccoli, many root vegetables, rhubarb, and pumpkin.
See archive newsletters for November 2012 for information on the Lung, the associated organ for Metal.
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
September 2013
Climbing a Terrace
Wind blusters high in the sky and monkeys wail;
Clear the islet with white sand where birds are wheeling;
Everywhere the leaves fall rustling from the trees,
While on for ever rolls the turbulent Yangtse.
by Du Fu (712-770)
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
Wind blusters high in the sky and monkeys wail;
Clear the islet with white sand where birds are wheeling;
Everywhere the leaves fall rustling from the trees,
While on for ever rolls the turbulent Yangtse.
by Du Fu (712-770)
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
August 2013
Climbing a Terrace
Wind blusters high in the sky and monkeys
Clear the islet with white sand where birds
are wheeling;
Everywhere the leaves fall rustling from the
While on for ever rolls the turbulent Yangtse.
by Du Fu (712-770)
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
Wind blusters high in the sky and monkeys
Clear the islet with white sand where birds
are wheeling;
Everywhere the leaves fall rustling from the
While on for ever rolls the turbulent Yangtse.
by Du Fu (712-770)
(Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C)
July 2013
Without going out you door, You can know the ways of the world. Without looking through your window, You can see the way of Heaven. The farther you go, the less you know. Thus, an integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing." Tao Teh Ching, # 47 (Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C) (Submitted by Virginia Mills, M.S., L.Ac., C.C) |
June 2013

Fire is the element of the Summer season. It is associated with creative energy, warmth, love, and nourishment. A person that is emotionally and physically cold is lacking in Fire.
The small intestine is another organ associated with the Fire Element. It functions as officials who are entrusted with riches. It creates changes in physical substances by receiving and assimilating the bulk of food. It separates the pure from the impure elements and redistributes them. This includes emotions - our ideas and thoughts. It sorts out the confusions.
Signs and symptoms of dysfunction are: hearing problems, digestive problems, heartburn, painful joints, poor circulation, fever, reddish or ashen complexion.
The Small Intestine energy is highest at 1 - 3 PM.
Tips for Summer health (from Acufinder.com) - awaken earlier in the morning - go to bed later in the evening - rest at midday - drink plenty of fluids - add pungent flavors to your diet - refrain from anger; keep calm and even-tempered.
Please see the July 2012 newsletter for additional Summer information.
The small intestine is another organ associated with the Fire Element. It functions as officials who are entrusted with riches. It creates changes in physical substances by receiving and assimilating the bulk of food. It separates the pure from the impure elements and redistributes them. This includes emotions - our ideas and thoughts. It sorts out the confusions.
Signs and symptoms of dysfunction are: hearing problems, digestive problems, heartburn, painful joints, poor circulation, fever, reddish or ashen complexion.
The Small Intestine energy is highest at 1 - 3 PM.
Tips for Summer health (from Acufinder.com) - awaken earlier in the morning - go to bed later in the evening - rest at midday - drink plenty of fluids - add pungent flavors to your diet - refrain from anger; keep calm and even-tempered.
Please see the July 2012 newsletter for additional Summer information.
May, 2013
This month we have a poem:
In spring one sleeps unaware it is dawn;
Everywhere I hear the chirping of birds.
At night there were sounds of wind and rain;I
wonder how many blossoms have fallen.
by Meng Haoran (689 - circa 740)
In spring one sleeps unaware it is dawn;
Everywhere I hear the chirping of birds.
At night there were sounds of wind and rain;I
wonder how many blossoms have fallen.
by Meng Haoran (689 - circa 740)
April, 2013
This month we have a poem:
SPRINGTIME by Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200)
On a fine day I go to the Si River to look for flowers;
All the sights look fresh in this season;
Now I can see the true appearance of spring
From those thousands of crimson and purple flowers.
SPRINGTIME by Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200)
On a fine day I go to the Si River to look for flowers;
All the sights look fresh in this season;
Now I can see the true appearance of spring
From those thousands of crimson and purple flowers.
March, 2013
Spring is the season for the Liver.
Its energetic function is to store blood, ensure the smooth flow of chi, and govern gynecological processes. It assists with planning, control, & coordination. It represents the beginning of life, providing the energy to develop and flourish.
It is associated with the Wood element. It keeps us balanced, like a tree that is well rooted. It's color is green, direction is East, and time is 1 to 3 AM.
Liver is the dwelling place of the Hun ethereal spirit. It comes from the stars and exists after death. Hun carries the messages from the Heart Shen spirit into our lives. It allows us to imagine, envision, and dream into existence possibility. It stimulates creativity in our unconscious to manifest our destiny. It informs and shapes the direction of our lives - as wind shapes the trees, forms patterns in the sand and cloud formations.
Symptoms that reflect an imbalance in the Liver energy are: lack of coordination, dizziness, easily confused, suppressed thoughts/feelings, anger or lack of anger, irritable, frustrated, nightmares of feeling trapped, migraines, arthritis, abdominal pain/cramping, weak/stiff limbs, paralysis, problems of eyes, nails, spine, trunk, gynecological functions.
The taste associated with Liver is sour. These foods are cooling, drying, and aid digestion. Some recommendations are wheat, peaches, & chicken/fowl.
Its energetic function is to store blood, ensure the smooth flow of chi, and govern gynecological processes. It assists with planning, control, & coordination. It represents the beginning of life, providing the energy to develop and flourish.
It is associated with the Wood element. It keeps us balanced, like a tree that is well rooted. It's color is green, direction is East, and time is 1 to 3 AM.
Liver is the dwelling place of the Hun ethereal spirit. It comes from the stars and exists after death. Hun carries the messages from the Heart Shen spirit into our lives. It allows us to imagine, envision, and dream into existence possibility. It stimulates creativity in our unconscious to manifest our destiny. It informs and shapes the direction of our lives - as wind shapes the trees, forms patterns in the sand and cloud formations.
Symptoms that reflect an imbalance in the Liver energy are: lack of coordination, dizziness, easily confused, suppressed thoughts/feelings, anger or lack of anger, irritable, frustrated, nightmares of feeling trapped, migraines, arthritis, abdominal pain/cramping, weak/stiff limbs, paralysis, problems of eyes, nails, spine, trunk, gynecological functions.
The taste associated with Liver is sour. These foods are cooling, drying, and aid digestion. Some recommendations are wheat, peaches, & chicken/fowl.
February, 2013
The highest good is like water.
Water gives life to the ten thousand things
and does not strive.
It flows in places people reject and so is like the Tao.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in to the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
No fight. No blame." Tao Te Ching, Chapter Eight
Water gives life to the ten thousand things
and does not strive.
It flows in places people reject and so is like the Tao.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in to the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
No fight. No blame." Tao Te Ching, Chapter Eight
January, 2013
"Winter is the season of the Kidney energy. Its role is to monitor the flow of fluids; nourish the bones, marrow, and brain; and store our vital life force essence.
The spirit associated with Kidneys in zhi : the will of intention; the energy to allow the seed to sprout in spring; the silent gestation in the death of winter. It is associated with the collective unconscious, memories of the past, the beginning of wisdom and spiritual development. Signs and symptoms of Kidney imbalance are related to dryness, perspiration, lethargy, abdominal pain / bloating, indigestion, HTN, low energy from 5 - 7 PM, and worsening of conditions in cold weather.
The flavor is salty. Foods to assist the Kidney energy are: dates, beans, peas, leeks, pork & fish.
The associated element is Water.
"Retire early and rise late." Nourishment and warmth are essential for this season."
The spirit associated with Kidneys in zhi : the will of intention; the energy to allow the seed to sprout in spring; the silent gestation in the death of winter. It is associated with the collective unconscious, memories of the past, the beginning of wisdom and spiritual development. Signs and symptoms of Kidney imbalance are related to dryness, perspiration, lethargy, abdominal pain / bloating, indigestion, HTN, low energy from 5 - 7 PM, and worsening of conditions in cold weather.
The flavor is salty. Foods to assist the Kidney energy are: dates, beans, peas, leeks, pork & fish.
The associated element is Water.
"Retire early and rise late." Nourishment and warmth are essential for this season."
December, 2012
" The way to use life is to do nothing through acting. The way to use life is to do everything through being. When a leader knows this, his land naturally goes straight. And the world's passion to stray from straightness is checked at the core. By the simple unnamable cleanness through which men cease from coveting, And to a land where men cease from coveting, peace comes of course. "
( The Way of Life According to Lao Tzu, # 37.)
( The Way of Life According to Lao Tzu, # 37.)
November, 2012
Autumn is the season of the Lung energy. It receives pure chi from the heavens. Breathing replenishes our energy. (Breathe deeply from the belly.)
The function of the lung is the regulation of rhythmic orders, especially respiration. Lung energy is strongest at 3-5 AM It is associated with the color white and the directon of the West.
The spirit associated with the lung is Po, the corporal (body) soul. After conception, it organizes jing (life essence). It is responsible for the taking in and the letting go. At death, it goes to the labyrinth crystal caves of the underworld. sparkling minerals that are left after breaking down are the residues of sunlight.
An imbalance of the lung energy results in dry throat, coughing, sinus problems, declined sense of smell, lung problems, bowel problems, rheumatic pains, spinal problems, spasms and lack of emotional strength.
An excess or deficiency of spices or pungent foods can affect your health. Healing foods for the metal element are rice, chestnuts and onions.
The function of the lung is the regulation of rhythmic orders, especially respiration. Lung energy is strongest at 3-5 AM It is associated with the color white and the directon of the West.
The spirit associated with the lung is Po, the corporal (body) soul. After conception, it organizes jing (life essence). It is responsible for the taking in and the letting go. At death, it goes to the labyrinth crystal caves of the underworld. sparkling minerals that are left after breaking down are the residues of sunlight.
An imbalance of the lung energy results in dry throat, coughing, sinus problems, declined sense of smell, lung problems, bowel problems, rheumatic pains, spinal problems, spasms and lack of emotional strength.
An excess or deficiency of spices or pungent foods can affect your health. Healing foods for the metal element are rice, chestnuts and onions.
September/October, 2012
Layers of shadows go up the jade terrace;
Time and again I call the boy to sweep them away but they remain;
Soon after they are cleared off by the sun,
They were brought back by the bright moon.
(By Su Shi : 1037 - 1101)
Layers of shadows go up the jade terrace;
Time and again I call the boy to sweep them away but they remain;
Soon after they are cleared off by the sun,
They were brought back by the bright moon.
(By Su Shi : 1037 - 1101)
August, 2012

"Late Summer is the season of the Spleen, (which includes the pancreas) and it's energetic function. It's role is the distribution of energy and secretions. Spleen energy is greatest at 9-11 AM, so finish eating your breakfast by 9 AM. It's function is weakened by dampness, excess worry and excess thinking. Spirit associated with Spleen is YI: the psychologcal aspect where intentions are worked on. The messages of the Shen Heart Spirit get planted, thereby 'tending the garden of our soul." Our words and deeds carry YI's voice "Listen patiently, wait for awareness to happen". Signs of Spleen imbalance are problems with insight, menstrual cycles, coordination, diabetes, hyper- and hypo-glycemia and craving sweets. Healing foods associated with the Earth Element are millet, apricots, scallions, meat, and sweet foods."
July, 2012

"Summer is the season of the Heart and it's energetic function. It's role is that of an emperor - overseeing the harmony of its empire. It's energy is strongest from 11AM to 3PM. Be careful to not get overheated or sweat too much, as this weakens the Heart. The Heart houses the Spirit and the Mind. Excess joy or lack of joy, and insomnia are signs of an imbalance of Heart energy. To help strengthen the Heart, eat foods that are associated with the Fire Element: millet, plums, lamb, coarse greens, watermelon, and bitter tasting foods."
June, 2012
A Rooster Painting Wearing a red hat unfashioned by man,
He struts on with garments white as snow,
Never talking softly all his life,
Once he calls, all doors are opened.
by Tang Yin (1470 - 1523)
He struts on with garments white as snow,
Never talking softly all his life,
Once he calls, all doors are opened.
by Tang Yin (1470 - 1523)